Restraining Orders Requested and Opposed
Our Attorneys in Camarillo, CA have extensive experience successfully requesting and opposing restraining orders for clients all over Ventura County. Restraining orders, also called protective orders, are most commonly orders designed to protect victims of harassment or abuse. Restraining orders can do things like kick the abuser out of the house, create child custody orders, create support orders, make the abuse pay certain bills, restrain the abuser from owning firearms, and keep the abuser away from you. There are five main types of restraining orders in California:
- Domestic Violence Protective Orders
- Civil Harassment Protective Orders
- Workplace violence Protective Orders
- Emergency Protective Orders
- Criminal Protective Orders
Domestic Violence Protective Orders are the most common. Visit our blog here for a basic overview of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders.
How common is domestic violence? According to The National Violence Against Women Survey, 22% of women are physically assaulted by a partner or date during their lifetime. In addition, more than 1 million women are stalked each year.
If you are considering requesting a Domestic Violence Protective Order, here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Are you ever afraid of your partner?
- Has your partner ever actually hurt or threatened to hurt you physically or someone you care about?
- Does your partner threaten to become violent if you leave?
If you are currently in danger, please call the local police. If you need physical or emotional support please call the National Dometic Violence Hotline at 1-(800) 799-SAFE. If you are in Ventura County, you may also want to call the Interface Children & Family Services Family Violence Response Team at 1-(800) 636-6738.
Call us today for a free consultation at (805) 482-1170.